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585 Directory Listings : 44 Initiative Profiles : 10 Resources

Calgary, Alberta
Directory Listings
Goals include ensuring the best possible care, treatment and rehabilitation of the mentally ill and mentally disabled. Services include supported community housing, outreach, and crisis accomodation.
Vancouver, British Columbia
Directory Listings
Provides a quality service which empowers clients with a mental illness to maximize their potential.
Toronto, Ontario
Directory Listings
Helps people affected by emergencies and disasters by providing them with food, clothing, shelter and first aid.
Ottawa, Ontario
Directory Listings
Six national goals: to prevent the spread of HIV infection in Canada; to find a cure; to find and provide effective vaccines, drugs and therapies; to ensure care, treatment and support for Canadians living with HIV/AIDS, their families, friends and caregivers; to minimize the adverse impact of HIV/AIDS on individuals and communities; and to minimize the impact of social and economic factors that increase individual and collective risk for HIV.
This paper provides an overview of how the City of Hamilton’s homeless and street outreach team was strengthened and expanded through partnerships founded on sharing staff between diverse agencies. The Mental Health/Outreach Team is a program within with Community Programs Branch of Public Health and Community Services in the City of Hamilton. The partnerships between agencies resulted in increased community capacity to work with homeless and at-risk individuals. Selected bibliography provided.
Sydney, Nova Scotia
Directory Listings
A non-profit organization that provides quality, community based, support programs for adult mental health consumers in a non-institutional environment. The goal is independent living and the acquisition of skills which assist residents in achieving their optimum level of independence. Four programs are offered: Group Home, Respite Care, Alternative Living Program, and Community Outreach.
Sydney, Nova Scotia
Directory Listings
We provide support and shelter to women and children who are emotionally, physically, or sexually abused. We offer therapeutic programs directed at women, youth, and children escaping from violence, an outreach program, legal support, and second stage housing in Glace Bay and Sydney.
Gander, Newfoundland
Directory Listings
Offers shelter for battered women and their children, a 24 hour crisis line, information on legal issues, housing, employment & other matters, counselors to listen & help, a child service worker, and follow-up meetings.
St. John's, Newfoundland
Initiative Profiles
A 14 unit supportive housing project integrated with education, employment and health supports to meet the needs of low-income, hard to house individuals, including those with mental illness and addictions and individuals coming out of institutions. A strong and continuing emphasis on community development has avoided a NIMBY backlash. Initiative has resulted in increased collaboration between service providers.
Williams Lake, British Columbia
Directory Listings
Provides shelter, food, and a drop-in centre to meet the basic needs of homeless people who are in need of temporary assistance. It runs Chiwid Transition House for women and children leaving abusive

relationships and the Minimal Barriers Emergency Shelter, a separate location which is open to anyone in need of shelter.

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